Sunday, August 25, 2013

Author update

Dear readers,
I'd like to address the recent lack of posts on Friday Spines. In January I started part-time at a high school a few hours away to catch up on classes over the summer. Between the beginning-of-year camping trip (interrupted by the Yosemite Rim Fire) and preparing for school starting (tomorrow!) I've had very little time to post about the books I've been reading over the summer. (The majority of them have been textbooks or school-related.)

Friday Spines is unfortunately no longer a weekly blog--depending on the homework and the commute (around 90 minutes) this fall, I'm hoping to post reviews bi-monthly and book recommendations or other updates at least weekly. Let me know your thoughts on your favorite summer reading, releases you're excited for this fall, or old favorites you rediscovered at the back of your bookshelf.

I read Ex Libris, by Anne Fadiman, while I was camping in July and it nudged its way onto my favorites shelf--look for the review this Friday. In the meantime, I'll be publishing a list of books I'm most exited to read shortly.

Happy reading!
M. Gabrielle

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